PLASTIC WELDING BASICS USING THE 5600HT MODEL 6 MINI-WELD AIRLESS PLASTIC WELDER Keep work area clean!! Remember that the plastic welder is very hot. It will burn you and could cause a fire. So be careful and keep area clean! Determine what kind of plastic you will be working with. Look on the back side of the part usually there will be a symbol. Telling you the kind of plastic it is. Plug in Mini-weld Airless Plastic welder MODEL 6 (Set at the heat setting for the type of plastic being welded. In most cases, the welding rod should melt cleanly and not be discolored (the only exception would be nylon, where the rod should turn to a light brown.) Let heat up how this is happening go to set 5. Prep the part that your want to weld. (Clean the pieces soap and water should work) Put the pieces together. You can use tape to hold the pieces together I use alumni tape for this. If the pieces have paint on them. The paint will need to be sanded away from the area that your working with. Now you need to make a v-groove at the spot that you are welding.You can do this with a grinder.I use the side of the flat tip that comes with the 5600HT mini-weld airless plastic welder. Your melting the rod into the v-groove. Lay the welder tip on the surface of the plastic and slowly melt the rod into the v-groove. Pull the welder toward you so you can see the welding rod fill the v-groove as you make your pass. Lay down no more than 2 inches of welding rod into the v-groove at a time. Now before the melted rod has time to cool down, go back over it with the hot welding tip and thoroughly melt the rod and the base material together. Keep the heat on it until you have a good mix between the rod and base material. If added support is needed a wire mesh can be heated into the repair area also. Make sure that the wire mesh is covered with the plastic when done.You can use the welding rod for this.Let the heat of the welder do all the work.Now on really thin plastic youll have to watch it so that you dont melt a hole in the base you will have to repeat steps 8 and 9 on the back side of the part. This is only for looks. After the part has cooled. Now you can grind the weld down. Start with a coarse sand paper then go to a fine sand paper. After this is done if needed you can paint the plastic.Make sure that you use paint for plastic. When buying the paint.Check labels on the paint can for safety before applying to toys and anything that food would touch to be on the safe side. If parts were painted see how long it takes to dry and there you go.You have just welded your first plastic parts together. When job is done. Make sure that you set the welder to the side in its holder. Then turn off and let cool. You will get better with practice. AND HAVE FUN WELDING. BETTER YET SAVE MONEY HOW YOUR HAVING FUN TOO!!