Random Questions To Ask A Guy
Random Questions To Ask A Guy

Random Questions To Ask A Guy

People can be so mysterious and at the same time so clear. The enigmatic part of a person is only the big knowledge gap of the little that we know about them. But the reality is that they are normal human beings just like us and everyone else.

They have feelings, a family, personal issues, economic problems (even if they are rich or poor), passions, desires, goals, flaws, virtues, sorrows, ego, etc. Little understanding about anything forms the universal result of ignorance.

Ignorance has its own consequences in any type of situation or relationship that can range from lost opportunities, slow progress, misunderstanding and constant conflict.

To full fill the knowledge gap of ignorance it is necessary to have the facts about whatever it is that we are ignorant about and this would include a person. The facts can come from many different sources and one of these sources are questions.

Here are a few of random "get to know you questions" that can apply to anyone but they are more targeted to men since women would tend to have a more emotional set of questions.

Random questions to ask a guy:

What are your future financial plans?
What is your mayor goal in life?
What is your favorite book?
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
What are your mayor flaws?
Who is your hero?
What do you consider most important in life?
What would be your questions to ask on a first date?
Do have any type of bad habit?
What is your point of view of the world?
What are your priorities on a first date?
How would you describe the perfect life?
What country would you choose for a honeymoon?Why?
What has been your most embarrassing moment?
What do you do when you are bored?
How do you spend time with your family?

Do you have any enemies? Why?
What have been the most important decisions in your life?
What experiences have marked you the most?
If you could change the past, what would you change?
How do you visualize your future?

A few of these random questions can be considered hard to answer if the person has not paid attention to that specific idea in the past. They can be directed to a guy since they are more focused on goals that a future husband will have to accomplish. The above random questions would be the type of appropriate questioning that should be asked in a relationship.

The author is the owner of 100QuestionsBeforeMarriage.com, website were many important articles about marriage and pre-marriage
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