Dance Designer’s Choreo Notes™ – Dance Choreography Software
Dance Designer’s Choreo Notes™ – Dance Choreography Software

Dance Designer’s Choreo Notes™ – Dance Choreography Software

Choreo Notes™ were developed because there was no standardized, practical, fast and easy notation format for the everyday working choreographer. Many choreographers make up their own shorthand and format for their daily notes. This can work until they hand those notes to someone else or go back to the notes later and try to decipher them. Choreo Notes™ are a fast and easy notation structure synchronized to music that will support virtually every style of dance and motion.

Choreo Notes™ can be entered as general or group notes and used as quick reminders when teaching a dance. Choreo Notes™ can also be used for very detailed notation, documenting every dancer track and every dance count to create a complete "Dance Score" or "Dance Bible". Choreographers can use their current notation format and synchronize their notes to music or use the Dance Designer™ Style Palettes and structure for a fast standardized notation. Choreographers can also create a custom Palette with their own vocabulary or combine Dance Designer™ palettes to create a combination palette. Style Palettes allow auto population of dance vocabulary to make notation faster and easier.

Use Dance Designer™ software to playback your music in your dance rehearsal and it will also simultaneously playback your notes, so there will be no more lost or mixed up pages. Choreo Notes™ are synchronized to music and are linked to the dance counts. Choreographers open their music in Dance Designer™, add Dance Counts to the music with one press of a button, and begin entering notes. Choreo Notes™ are entered in a spreadsheet, cell type of format with a row of notes for every dance count. The rows are divided into categories for all details of motion: general notes, leg, motion, motion detail, motion quality, left arm, right arm head and detail notes. Choreographers may use 1, 2 or all of the categories depending on the detail they need. Once entered, choreographers can easily print out their dance notes using many styles of reports to share with assistants, performers and tech crews.
Dance Designer™ choreography software is a fast, easy and extremely powerful software program that allows every choreographer to visualize, integrate, rehearse and document their work. Dance Designer™ allows you to synchronize and integrate virtually every element of your choreography to music including dance notes, counts, path, formations and video. Dance Designer™ is a complete choreography package, use the tools individually or create a complete dance score.

Visit for information on additional features, and a Free Trial.