May and June San Jose Weather

May and June San Jose Weather

May and June San Jose Weather

Like all of Coastal California, San Jose Weather in May and June is typically mild and pleasant, although unusual circumstances can create hot weather. The chance of rain is low in March, and even lower in June. San Jose is not susceptible to many weather disasters. May San Jose Weather In the last 55 years the highest measured May temperature in San Jose was 101 degrees Fahrenheit, most recently encountered on May 31, 2001, and the normal high is 74. The coldest May day in San Jose for the past 55 years was 37 most recently encountered on May 4, 1952, while the mean low daily temperature during the month is 51. According to National Weather Service historical weather data, on May 5, 1964, the high temperature did not exceed 55 degrees Fahrenheit, the lowest high measured in San Jose in the past 55 years. NWS data also shows that on May 31, 2001, the lowest measured temperature on that day did not drop below 69 degrees, the highest low temperature measured in San Jose in the last 55 years. Weather Service historical data shows that the average daily high temperature in San Jose on May First is 71 degrees Fahrenheit and the average high on the last day of May is 78 degrees. The low temperature in San Jose in May on the first day of the month averages 49 degrees and the low temperature on the last day of the month averages 54 degrees. San Jose receives an average of 0.42 inches of precipitation during May. The most precipitation recorded on a single day in May was 1.62 inches on May 27, 1990. June San Jose Weather The record high temperature in San Jose for the last 55 years in June was 109 degrees Fahrenheit, on June 14, 2000, and the average high is 79. The record low June temperature in San Jose for the last 55 years was 42 registered on June 2, 1966, and the mean daily low in the month is 55. US National Weather Service historical weather data records that on June 2, 1967, the high temperature did not exceed 59 degrees Fahrenheit, the lowest high measured in San Jose in the past 55 years. The Weather Service additionally indicates that on June 17, 2000, the low for the day did not drop below 72 degrees, the highest low recorded in San Jose in the last 55 years. Weather Service historical data shows that the average daily high temperature in San Jose on June First is 79 degrees Fahrenheit and the average high on the last day of June is 81 degrees. The average daily low temperature in San Jose on June First is 54 degrees Fahrenheit and the average high on the last day of June is 55 degrees. San Jose normally receives an average of 0.09 inches of rain during June. On June 16, 1995 San Jose received 0.79 inches of precipitation, the highest amount of rain recorded in a single day in June.