Ab Workout Machines with EMS: Do They Really Work?

Ab Workout Machines with EMS: Do They Really Work?

Ab Workout Machines with EMS: Do They Really Work?

Review Summary Struggling to tone, strengthen and flatten your abs is a common problem, and there are lots of ab machines to assist you in getting them into shape. However, while many of these devices look great on paper, they arent always as effective as they appear. But some are research proven to be effective and safe; its just a matter of finding them. The Flex Belt is a workout belt for your abs that many consumers ask about because it is known to use FDA approved technology, is thought to be easy to use and is considered comfortable to wear. It also states that it stimulates the core muscles so that you get a full workout without doing a single sit up, one of the reasons this ab machine has gained so much momentum in the market. Product at a Glance This ab workout system includes the belt, as well as the rechargeable power supply unit, belt extender, gel pads, carrying case and instructions, which should provide all the assistance needed to start using this system. Product in Focus An interesting aspect of the Flex Belt is that it uses FDA approved technology to work out the entire core, including the inner and outer abs, as well as the obliques. Electronic Muscle Stimulation technology is actually a well researched medical technology thats been used extensively by doctors and physical therapy clinics to retrain and workout injured muscles without the risk of strain or injury. This ab workout belt wraps around the entire core and delivers users constant EMS, which signals the nerve endings in each ab muscle to contract and relax. This is exactly what occurs when youre engaged in any core workout, whether youre doing sit ups, crunches, yoga poses or using any number of gym based ab machines. Electronic Muscle Stimulation technology has been thoroughly researched to be both safe and effective, and the Flex Belt has also been thoroughly researched by its developers. In fact, in a recent six week study, individuals who used this ab belt for 30 minutes a day found that their core was tighter, firmer and stronger. Website This ab workout device has also been through a full battery of other scientific tests. In fact, its website posts before and after thermal scans to illustrate the kind of burn and workout this ab belt promises to provide. Also, the website provides consumers with access to testimonials by former customers and sports stars that have tried this ab machine and used it to sculpt, tone and strengthen their abs. These positive reviews were mirrored on consumer run rating sites and blogs, where the Flex Belt was consistently given a thumbs up by current users due to its effectiveness, ease of use, comfort and overall value. Final Thoughts Experts report that individuals who actively engage in a crunch and sit up based ab workout often do these exercises incorrectly, so only part of their core gets worked out. It can also be a set up for muscle strain and, consequently, severe muscle pain, which may be why there are so many ab machines available right now. But most of these workout devices take time. Part of the reason this particular product is so popular with consumers appears to be that it fits snuggly under clothing, so they can wear it anywhere: at home, at the office, at the playground or in the coffee shop. Clearly, this ab belt uses state of the art technology to give users abs a hardcore but easy workout, but before placing an order, we suggest taking a look at what other experts have to say about the Flex Belt. To find these other reputable sites, weve posted links above. These sites are well worth checking out and may save you both time and money in the long run.