The History of the Berlin Walls Destruction

The History of the Berlin Walls Destruction

The History of the Berlin Walls Destruction

When was the Berlin Wall knocked down? The Berlin Wall was built by the people controlling the eastern part of Germany in the early fifties. Russia controlled this side of Germany. The Allied forces controlled the western part. There was a huge rivalry between the eastern and the western sides. The rivalry grew in the sixties between the two divided places. The Soviet Union established the Wall to have a concrete symbol of the main division between them. Many people want to know the answer to the question when was the Berlin Wall knocked down. 1. The fifth answer to the question when was the Berlin Wall knocked down is in the ninth day of November 1989 when hundreds of people trooped to the Wall and began breaking it with their own hammers. The next day after that the Gate of Brandenburg became open to people who wanted to cross to Germanys west part. This gate was later destroyed as well. 2. The second answer to the question when was the Berlin Wall knocked down is after the Perestroika policy was initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev. He was the ruler of East Germany in 1985. He was open to creating changes for the Union. He aligned the structure of the economy again which gave more freedom to the citizens. 3. The third answer to the question when was the Berlin Wall knocked down is after the Glasnost. This was another policy started by Mikhail Gorbachev. This policy became effective after the Perestroika Policy. This rule allowed the press to gain more freedom. This led for the Soviet Union to break apart. 4. The fourth answer to the question when was the Berlin Wall knocked down is in 1989, which was also the same year when the demonstration protests started. The Glasnost ruling gave way for people to have the right to rally on the streets and declare their intention of having the Wall broken down. Erich Honecker , the leader for the democratic party resigned, which also prompted the others in their group to leave as well. Hans Modrow then became the prime minister and he gave a new directive that allowed people to go to the Western part of Germany albeit the fact that it was stilly under Communism. 5. The fifth answer to the question when was the Berlin Wall knocked down is on July 1990. This was the date when the Berlin Walls destruction was completed.