Why You Should Avoid Raw Meat While Pregnant

Why You Should Avoid Raw Meat While Pregnant

Why You Should Avoid Raw Meat While Pregnant

There are many meats that you will want to avoid while you are pregnant. Raw meats of any sort should always be avoided while you are pregnant. In the following article, we will review why it is such a good idea for you to steer clear of raw meats if you are pregnant.

When you are pregnant, you are not only looking out for yourself, but for your little one as well. Raw meats are notorious for being contaminated with nasty things like salmonella, various forms of bacteria, toxoplasmosis and other things. Raw cow, chicken and fish in all of their forms are potentially dangerous to be around while you are pregnant. Even undercooked beef, poultry or fish is still very dangerous. Be sure that you cook all of your meats very thoroughly. Any raw seafood such as oysters, squid, sushi or sashimi must all be avoided. In fact, fish products should be mostly avoided whether they are cooked or not if you are pregnant. Raw eggs are also to be avoided because they could potentially contain salmonella. This includes all the foods that contain raw eggs as well. Mayonnaise, Caesar dressing, hollandaise and various other products.

If you are unsure whether a product contains raw eggs or not, the best thing to do is to avoid that product until you know for sure it does not contain raw eggs. If it is possible, you should not handle any raw meats while you are pregnant. Of course, this is not always possible. If you must handle red meat while you are pregnant, you should always wear clean rubber or latex gloves to perform this task. Infections will come from handling the meat or from eating the meat undercooked, so make sure you have both of these factors under control. As long as you take some simple precautionary methods and watch the ingredients in the products you buy, you should have no problems with avoiding and handling raw meat. These days, there are a lot less problems with bacteria and other contaminates on our meet, but it is much better to be safe than sorry in the scenario that you are pregnant.

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