Suffering From Degenerative Knee Cartilage Problems? - Dont Settle - Banish The Pain!

Suffering From Degenerative Knee Cartilage Problems? - Dont Settle - Banish The Pain!

Suffering From Degenerative Knee Cartilage Problems? - Dont Settle - Banish The Pain!

Is your knee giving you problems?

In the end, when it comes to our knees and how they perform, even a small issue can be of concern.
Debilitating pain combined with a progressively limited range of motion is symptomatic of degenerative knee cartilage. Also called osteoarthritis, this condition is indicated by the wearing away of the cartilage in the knee, which could be caused by old age, excessive repetitive movements, or excessive pressure.

What is cartilage?

What role does it play?
Cartilage is an elastic substance that covers the ends of the leg bones where they meet at the knee joint. The cartilage is smooth and slippery, allowing for proper movement within the knee, which enables a person to flex their leg without feeling pain. The elasticity allows of the cartilage to act as a shock absorber, preventing severe damage if and when there is any impact to the knees.

When this knee cartilage breaks down the cushioning effect is lost. When this happens the bones in the joint can grate against each other during any movement, causing excruciating pain.

Cartilage typically undergoes a natural rate of degeneration as the individual gets older. In effect, after a certain age, every person will experience some degree of degenerative knee cartilage; the only difference being in the severity of the condition and the impact it has on the individuals mobility.

What are the Treatment Options for Degenerative Knee Cartilage

Although typically osteoarthritis takes time to build up, it can eventually lead to the breakdown of all the cartilage in the knee. At its most severe, the only solution to the problem is surgery and radical reconstruction. This is only done when there is no other choice, however. The procedure is not risk-free and the patient may not regain anything close to the full range of motion the used to have at the joint.

Although for mild to moderate cases, there are conservative methods of treatment that have helped many people. Drug therapy using anti-inflammatory drugs have proven to be quite effective at reducing pain levels. Glucosamine and chondroitin have also proven to be quite effective at promoting regeneration of knee cartilage to some extent. (When using these treatment options you should always speak with your physician.

The symptoms of degenerative cartilage can be very effectively managed using knee braces as a physical form of treatment. A knee support should fit snuggly around the knee to help provide you with meaningful support, that can really help to reduce knee discomfort. They can also help your knee maintain proper alignment.

What is the Prognosis for Degenerative Cartilage?

While degenerative knee cartilage currently has no cure, it can be managed to help reduce painful symptoms that you encounter. If it is detected early enough, effective measures can be taken to prevent the condition from deteriorating even further and out of control. A brace worn over the knee will do much to hold the knee in place preventing inadvertent movement, which could cause further pain. In addition to being easily available and relatively inexpensive, knee supports are a great way to take your stability to the next level and to treat your symptoms conservatively.
If you would like to learn more about ways to decrease your knee pain, and to get the support your knees need, visit us online now at We can provide you with more education material about your knee and knee braces, to help you make the best decision for yourself.