10 James Bond Theme Party Ideas

10 James Bond Theme Party Ideas

10 James Bond Theme Party Ideas

If youre thinking of throwing a fun party, you might as well make it a theme party. One of the most popular themes is a James Bond party theme. Statistics repeatedly show that theme parties are much more enjoyable and are remembered in a much better light. So why not take a look at the following James Bond party theme ideas: 1. Decide early on if you are going to have an open James Bond party theme, where your guests can do as they please, or you are going to make it a specific Bond film or character. Perhaps you could have a casino like in Casino Royale? 2. For costumes, the ladies will thank you for the chance to dress up as glamorously as they like. They could also go for a Miss Goodnight, Jinx or Pussy Galore look. 3. Guys can come dressed in black tie like a sophisticated Bond. They can of course come as one of the famous baddies such as Jaws or Blotheld. Asians should come as the evil Oddjob! 4. Hire a Russian accented security guard to check for concealed weapons on entrance! 5. Get a red carpet for the entrance and have it lead up to the bar where your guests are offered a Martini...shaken not stirred! 6. Get some roulette wheels, poker tables, cards and chips for decoration. Do this whether you are having a casino or not! 7. Hire an Austin Martin and stick it in your driveway. It will cause quite a stir! Also get other Bond items such as a Walther PPK and movie posters. 8. You can get the best of Bond theme tune music to play at your party. Its available on CD! 9. For food, get some finger buffets. There should be plenty of variety! You could also hire a waiter if you have a budget! 10. Drinks should of course be Martini...shaken not stirred. I would also get in plenty of champagne. We hope youve taken some inspiration from these James Bond Party Theme ideas. For even more James Bond Party Theme ideas, then you are in luck! We have lots more great suggestions to help make your party one that you and your guests will always rememeber. Enjoy!