How to find, prepare and enjoy civet coffee

How to find, prepare and enjoy civet coffee

How to find, prepare and enjoy civet coffee

Coffee lovers the world over are quickly falling in love with civet coffee. That is, the coffee lovers who are fortunate enough to get a taste. This rare and delicious coffee is a result of a unique production process which takes regular Arabica, Robusta or Liberica coffee beans and transforms them into a delicious and full-flavored coffee. Civet coffee is also referred to as kopi luwak. The secret of the amazing taste of civet coffee comes from how kopi luwak coffee is made. Unlike other coffee varieties, how kopi luwak coffee is made depends not on weather, skilled bean selection or even skillful flavoring or roasting techniques. The fact is that how kopi luwak coffee is made depends on the luwak, or civet. The civet is a small mammal that bears a resemblance to a cat or weasel. In fact civets or luwak are actually called cats or weasels by many local residents in Sumatra and other areas of Asia. These creatures eat a diet of fruit, insects and small animals. They also eat coffee beans. In fact, they prefer the bright red, ripe coffee beans above many other foods and will eat them if there is a good supply of ripe beans. You may be surprised to learn the full truth of how kopi luwak coffee is made. The civets will eat the beans and digest the outer fruit. Then, the partially digested inner beans will be passed through. These are collected and cleaned, and the civet coffee beans are extracted. They are lightly roasted and are available for consumption. Civet coffee has a well-deserved reputation for being mellow, full flavored and lacking in bitterness. In fact, since bitterness is one thing that turns many people off of gourmet coffee, the fact that civet coffee has little to no bitterness is something which makes it highly sought after. It can be difficult to find a good source of civet coffee. Because of the unusual method of how kopi luwak coffee is made, it is not surprising to learn that it is extremely rare. Before civet coffee farming became more common, it was not unusual to find farmers searching for the droppings of wild civets. Now, however, civet coffee production has become more productive since the civets are allowed to roam in a specific area and the droppings are easier to locate. Preparing kopi luwak, is not difficult. You want to make sure that the beans are not being roasted in an overly heavy manner. This is because it can destroy the delicate flavors that have developed as part of the digestive process. Once you have properly roasted beans, they can be ground and brewed much the same as a standard cup of coffee. Because of the popularity of this amazing coffee, how kopi luwak coffee is made has actually benefitted the civet population. The increase in coffee plantations has led to more habitation for many civets including at least one endangered species. This has been good news for the civet population. Author Bio. If you are looking for information on how kopi luwak coffee is made as well as a good source for civet coffee beans, check out ekopiluwak. They should be your first choice for anything related to kopi luwak.