An Interview with a Businessman

An Interview with a Businessman

An Interview with a Businessman.

An Interview with a Businessman.
Copyright 2001 S Van Der Lingen.

Many years ago a businessman invited me to an interview.It was a permanent invitation to work for the businessman and it was to be a permanent single appointment for a lifetime. My Curriculum Vitae was in his possession. It always was. The businessman even had my career plan in his possession. It was all pre-planned.

The businessman had no intention of divulging the content of the career plan to me directly. He was going to lead me into the career and as time progresses he was intent on leading me to fulfil my career dreams.

Everybody had access to the businessman at all times, he was always available. He treated everybody as equal in importance. His presence could be felt throughout the business premises, the greater city and far beyond that. Everybody knew him or at least has heard of him. Many have derived benefits by a direct association with the businessman or by using his products.

When I entered the office of the businessmans secretary, the secretary told me to walk right in. The businessman was expecting me. As I entered I immediately felt the feeling of a homecoming. I felt more than welcome.

The businessman asked if there was anything I wanted to know about the business and the appointment. My response was - "What do I have to do when I accept the appointment?"

To that the businessman said the following: "Many people associate themselves with this business. Where previously they have experienced difficulties this business has provided them with ample opportunity and resources to improve their situation and to provide to those who depend on them. All the people who have associated themselves with the business have prospered".

The businessman continued and provided information about the business and the rules that apply.

The businessman indicated that the business and its product range is unique and that he owns copyright and patent rights. He reserves all rights. Nobody will be allowed to duplicate the business and or the product. This businessman owns registered and unregistered trademarks associated with the business. Nobody will be allowed to use these trademarks to promote their own enterprises. All rights are reserved.

In this business it is expected from all people to work and to rest. It is expected of each person to contribute labour and to be creative according to ability. It is expected of each person to rest- at least one day a week- and to go on vacation at least once a year.

The following rules apply:

1. It is expected from all people who associate with this business to honour their sponsors. Honour those who raised you and
provided for your schooling, college or university education - in short - honour those who enabled you to generate an income and to look after yourself. Your sponsors have given freely and it is expected that you honour them for their contributions. In that way you will be able to do business for many years wherever you live and work".

2. You may not do damage to any person. Do no harm.

3. You must be loyal to those who depend on you. Many of those who depend on you have associated with you because you wanted them to associate with you. There are those whom you do not even know who also depend on you. You have an obligation towards all of them. Your endeavours to look after those who depend on you will enrich your life.

4. You may not use the property of others without their permission.

5. You must be honest at all times.

6. You have to be creative in your endeavours and acquire your own property, that is, the things you need.

All the rules were explained - I wanted to know what I had to do.

The surprising answer was that I had to decide on what to do by myself. (I had a choice in this matter!)

The businessman said:

"You have a free choice to do whatever you want to do as long as it contributes to this business. There is no salary associated with the appointment." (This is strange!)

The businessman saw the expression of total surprise in my face.

The businessman continued and said:

"Use the wisdom and knowledge that you have - Create and provide a valuable product - take it to market - Take the receipts for value provided - These receipts can be exchanged for other valuable products - that is, the things you need - Create opportunities for other people - Teach other people who are able to contribute - Give freely to those who cannot contribute and experience severe lack - Pay your taxes".

At that moment I realised that to be an associate I have to create a new product (goods or services) and bring it to market. This is a business where man has to create more and make it available to those who are in need of it.

The businessman saw that I was bewildered and concerned.

The businessman reassured me:

"Young man you should not be concerned. You only have to do every day what you have to do. You will receive the things you need on a daily basis. Remember that whenever you need to have a talk, I am available at all times. Whenever you need something, just ask". When I left I realised that the secretary is the son of the businessman. They were in business together.

Steph Van Der Lingen is the owner and webmaster of .
Steph publishes The Bridge Ezine.
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