Choosing the Right Period Protection for You

Choosing the Right Period Protection for You

Choosing the Right Period Protection for You

Women know how inconvenient it is and how embarrassing it can be to find that they have a stain on their skirt or on their pants due to leaky period protection. Knowing what kind of period protection best suits you and your lifestyle is the key to avoiding these embarrassing incidents and making you enjoy your days during your period without having to worry about these leaks and stains. Here are some tips on how to choose the right period protection for you: 1. Find a pad that fits you. While you might think that any pad will fit you just fine, you are wrong. You have to find the right pad size for you. Not every woman have the same body so it stands to reason that different women need different kinds of pads. Choose one that fits just right to help avoid those embarrassing leaks and stains. How do you choose the size that fits you? It actually depends on the size of the underwear you wear. Find pads that fit perfectly on the crotch of your panties. This means that if you are a small woman, then you wear a smaller sized panty. This means you should choose pads that are slender enough to fit the crotch of your panties. 2. Judge by the flow. Every woman knows that her flow varies from day to day, sometimes from hour to hour. You might need to buy more than one type of pad to use during the many different days of your period. There are pads that are made for heavy flow days and these are often thicker and more absorbent. Sometimes your flow is heavier at night when you sleep so it might be wise to buy those longer pads that can catch the backflow of your period when you are asleep. 3. With wings. A lot of women have found that pads with wings seem to protect them better from side leaks. Finding a pad with wings that suits you and your needs is easy these days since a lot of different kinds of pads now have winged variants. 4. Adhesion is the key. Another key to finding the right kind of pad for you is finding the kind that sticks well enough to the kind of underwear you have. If the pad you chose does not stick that well to your usual kind of underwear, you are in danger of having your pad slipping and sliding around when you move, making you feel uncomfortable and uneasy. Probably the best kinds of pads that seldom give you this problem are the one with wings. Another way to assure that your pad does not move around is to find an underwear that fits you well. 5. When to change. Knowing the absorption level of your pads will tell you when you need to change them. Changing at the right time and when you feel that your pad is full will definitely help you avoid any of those embarrassing leaks and keep you comfortable during your period. Christia Gordon is a webmaster of, The INSTEAD® Softcup® is a unique, Menstrual Cycle Products, Heavy periods Products for women to help in treatment of Heavy Menstrual Periods, Menstruation menstrual cycle, Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and period protection.