Enlarged Thyroid

Enlarged Thyroid

Enlarged Thyroid

For those people affected by either hair loss or hair thinning there may be many possible causes behind the visible symptoms. One of the potential causes is thyroid related. To be more specific, an enlarged thyroid or goiter may be the cause of your hair loss.

Since there could be many reasons why you are experiencing hair loss, it is always wise to get a correct diagnosis from a medically trained professional. In that way, you can ensure that you take the right steps to treat the underlying medical cause and so prevent any further hair loss or thinning.

Many of us have heard about the thyroid gland but apart from that may not know too much about it or what its function is. Your thyroid gland is a small organ that sits around the front of the throat, in the same area as your voice box. This organ is essential to normal body growth during the early stages of your life and later on helps govern the bodys metabolism.

You have probably heard or read about under-active or overactive thyroid glands. This is where the thyroid organ is still functioning, yet is classed as not working according to normal levels. As your metabolism defines the rate at which your body absorbs energy, an under-active thyroid gland has been linked to cases of overweight adults.

An enlarged thyroid is a condition that tends to affect more women than men. Precisely why this is so is not yet clear, yet it is known that the cause tends to be a deficiency in iodine. It is also a condition which tends to be become more common in the older generation. However in most people an enlarged thyroid does not cause any problem and is generally not uncomfortable.

Usually a simple blood test is all that will be needed in order for your doctor to ascertain if you have an enlarged thyroid, or if your hair loss is the symptom of something else. Of course what that something else could be is a myriad of conditions that can require further tests.

If you are diagnosed as having an enlarged thyroid which is contributing to your hair loss youll be pleased to hear that treatments are effective and simple. However, the downside is that you will need to continue the treatment for the rest of your life. If you do stop, then the symptoms will begin to reappear.

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