Effective Speech Writing and Delivery

Effective Speech Writing and Delivery

Effective Speech Writing and Delivery

For ones speech to be effective, one should ensure to answer the following questions:

What? - The overview of the speech

Why? - Why is the speech/subject important?

How? - The format of speech to be used

Who? - The speaker and the audience...

The Four Ps for effective speech writing and delivery:





One of the most important stages of every speech is to ask himself/herself the following questions:

Why am I preparing and delivering this speech?

What is the aim and objective that has to be achieved?

The audience...

Aim is the overall target that one needs to reach with their speech - The reason why one is planning to stand on the stage hold forth. It should ideally take the form of a simple, concise statement of intent. The objective is the more detailed and precise steps one needs to plan to take in order to reach their aim. This includes the components included within the overall aim. The starting point for planning any speech is to make certain the primary or principle aim behind it; and then to formulate the precise steps to achieve that aim.

After one has determined their aim and objectives, one has to thereafter consistently focus on them, as if one does not do so, then in all probability even the audience will not be able to focus upon the objective.

A successful speechwriter considers it to be a series of arguments that leads up to the conclusion. The speech will gain in strength to the extent that one focuses on content. Empty arguments, no matter how eloquently they are presented, are rarely enough to motivate an audience to take action

The success of ones speech depends on how closely ones intent matches with that of the audience. The term AUDIENCE can serve as an acronym to help one identify the categories one needs to consider when preparing and delivering a speech...

Analysis - The audience - Who and how many?

Understanding - What do they already know and what do they need to know?

Demographics - Audience age, gender, education, social and ethnic background, etc.

Interest - Why is the audience attending this forum/seminar, etc.?

Environment - What kind of distractions can take away the audience attention during speech delivery?

Needs - What does the audience need?

Customization - Addressing specific needs of the audience.

Expectations - What does the speaker to accomplish? What is the audience expectation from the speaker?

If you master the art of writing effective speeches you can master every aspect of writing including nursery rhymes and proverbs.