7 Qualities Girls Like Their Ideal Partner To Have!

7 Qualities Girls Like Their Ideal Partner To Have!

7 Qualities Girls Like Their Ideal Partner To Have!

If you are a man reading this, you need to pay attention! There are some things that you need to know so that you can find a great relationship.

You need to understand what women want to have in their ideal partner. This may be you but you may have to make some changes in your life and this list is going to help you do just that.

1) You need to be a good listener.

A woman wants to have a man in her life that listens to everything that she says. It is going to make her happy and you never know when you are going to learn something important. You need to make sure that you are paying attention and using your best intensions when she is talking to you. Be considerate and even if it is a subject that you have no interest in, pretend anyway!

2) Make sure that you are asking your girl the right questions.

Take an interest in what she did that day. " What did you do today?" or " How was your day?" these are great questions to ask a woman because she is going to love telling you about it. Never tell her what to do or the right way that you believe to do something. You want to make sure that you are offering the right advice when it comes time to.

3) Do not give her advice on what to do all the time.

She wants you to listen and not to give out instructions all the time. Yes, it is good to offer help and to give support when you are asked. However do not push your opinions on her and certainly do not let her think that your way is always the right way no matter how tempting it may be.

4) Make good eye contact with her.

When she walks into a room, pay attention! Let her know that she looks great and that you are appreciating the way that she takes the time to make herself look great for you. She will love the fact that you are taking the time to pay attention to her and looking at her eyes and not at everything else. That is for later!

5) Make sure that you are telling her that you love her.

You need to give her affection. Every woman wants to have affection from her man. This is going to make her feel loved and special and why wouldnt you want to do this? Giving her love and appreciation will make it all seem worthwhile and she will love you more for it and it will put her in a better mood too. What man does not want to put his girl in a better mood? The better her mood usually means that better your mood will be.

6) Spending time with your girl is very important.

You do not always have to do what you want to do. Make sure that you are taking an interest in what makes her happy. This may mean that you have to do certain things that you would not normally do but you have to think ahead. When you are doing thing that she likes, you will be making her happy and you may end up liking it too.

7) Actions are a great way to make a woman feel good.

Touch her hand and hug her at any given moment. Show her that you are affectionate towards her. Do nice thing for her when she is least expecting it. She will defiantly appreciate this. You want to surprise her with little things when you can.

Women love this type of thing even it is something as simple as flowers or candy from time to time. You can also give her a back rub at night when she has had a hard day. She will truly appreciate this.

Learning the right tools is going to be the key factor in your relationship with a woman. You need to make sure that you are giving her the right amount of attention that you can so that you are letting her know that she is important and how she feels does matter to you.


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