How to Influence Your Boyfriend to Commit To You Only

How to Influence Your Boyfriend to Commit To You Only

How to Influence Your Boyfriend to Commit To You Only

While many men seem to enjoy spending endless periods at the dating stage, this is a situation that causes a lot of frustration to us women. We would like things to move fast so that we can walk down the aisle with our partners. If you are not yet sure whether you are the only lady in your mans life, you will go through life very apprehensively.

However, once you have determined that this is the man for you, with whom you are ready to spend the rest of your life, you should not just sit around as you wait for him to propose not knowing whether that moment will really come. You can take charge of your relationship by doing some things that will influence him to crave being committed to you alone. The most effective measures are the discreet ones.

Take a step backwards

If you are too involved in your relationship with your boyfriend, you are actually doing more harm than good. This is due to the fact that you will make him feel very comfortable as is sure that you wont leave him no matter how long he takes before committing.

The best way to shake him back to his senses is to pull back a bit in order to remove the state of comfort he is in. A man who truly cares about you will not relax when he is faced with the threat of losing you. It is this that will arouse him to action, and he will decide to commit himself to you.

Just get more involved in other matters of personal interest with you without offering any excuses.

Watch what you say

During your discussions, take great care with what you say and how you say them. For instance, if you have to about something that deals with the future, stop framing your statements in a way that indicates you two will be together. Talk more in singular terms, simply referring yourself and you will get the attention of your guy. When the man notices that your future does not include him, he will take measures to ensure that he gets a more firm hold of that future.

When you are in a relationship that seems to stall at the dating stage, you should not wear yourself out with worries. Take control by doing things that will influence your man to commit to you only. Remember that actions speak louder than words. So take actions that will make him think of committing on his own and you will get him.

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