Using Post Teaser Wordpress Plugin To Improve Blogs Read Rate And Stay Rate

Using Post Teaser Wordpress Plugin To Improve Blogs Read Rate And Stay Rate

Using Post Teaser Wordpress Plugin To Improve Blog Read Rate And Stay Rate

Internet users are an impatient lot - such is a given fact. And it is a fact that webmasters and blog owners should accept. There is no changing this nature of their prospective visitors and readers - even if such a nature is acquired and rarely innate.

Truly, internet users seem to suffer from a perennial case of attention deficit disorder. They often judge a website based on their initial impressions on the same. Badly designed user interface? Poorly selected images? Horrid color combo? Visitors would quickly hop to another website ever so easily.

Of course, one of the primary criterions for the determination of whether a particular website or blog is the right one for them is this: the quality of the content before them. They almost always NEVER read the entirety of a particular digital content, however. Theyd rather scan the same and survey the words for the details that may be of use to them.

If they find what they need, or at least, something that manages to capture their interests, they will stay.

If they dont find such things, theyll load up another website or blog.

The trick, therefore, lies in your ability to capture their interests immediately. If they dont read the entirety of your content, you must be able to provide a condensed version - a summary if you will - of your articles/entries for them to conveniently peruse. Dont make them load up pages just to do this, they will quickly run out of patience and give up with your website. As much as possible, provide the condensed versions of your content on the first page they will see when they visit your website.

If youre a Wordpress blog owner, this shouldnt be difficult.

Post Teaser, one of the most popular Wordpress plugins today, will give you the ability to offer teasers on appropriate pages in your blog. These teasers will show an excerpt of the content that is being previewed, a link to the page where it can be found, and options to provide the following details: word count, image count, and projected reading time required.

At first glance, Post teaser might sound like a simplistic - and even way too simplistic - Wordpress plugin.

However, studies show that it is one of the most essential Wordpress add-ons being distributed today.

Post Teaser eliminates the unsightly that sometimes plague Wordpress default preview system, a bug that may contribute in diminishing the interest and confidence your visitors have for your blog. Post Teaser also helps your blog save up on precious bandwidth - something that is a big issue if you are generating monstrous traffic but youre under a limited bandwidth web hosting plan. Visitors will be encouraged to visit only the pages they like after viewing the previews created by Post Teaser. Lastly, Post Teaser makes your Wordpress blog look cool...cooler than walls of textual content, at least.

We recommend that you download this Plugin and place it straight on your Blog in order to get the best results. Visit for a comprehensive selection of Plugins on the internet today.