How Do I Choose the Best Laser Hair Comb for Me?

How Do I Choose the Best Laser Hair Comb for Me?

How Do I Choose the Best Laser Hair Comb for Me?

A laser hair comb is a laser device designed to be used by the general public in the comforts of their own home. Due to stress, illness, medication, and/or age we can all relate to hair that was once fast growing and lush that has turned thin and lifeless. Now recent FDA guidelines allow the laser hair comb to be used to rejuvenate this lifeless, thinning hair to its former state. You must be wondering whether the claims of laser hair comb manufacturers and dealers are true or just another gimmick. Well, the effectiveness of this laser device has long been established and used in clinics and by dermatologists in Europe and Canada for many years, and now the FDA allows its use in the United States.

Research Your Product and Find the Right Laser Hair Comb Online

Most manufacturers advertise their products aggressively online and in other forms of media such as the television or newspapers. No prescription or doctors letter is needed to order worldwide delivery of the new popular hand held laser devices. Make sure you find a company who has done their research and offers the most laser power and ergonomically friendly laser hair comb for the price. Some devices are cheaper for a reason. They may lack power, quality, have no money-back guarantee. Call the customer service department and ask questions. Is the person on the phone knowledgeable about their product and are they willing to spend time to educate you on their product?

Compatible Laser Hair Comb Products

Any laser hair comb may be used by itself or in conjunction with other treatments and hair nourishing supplements. The best companies offer a complete system of nutrients for your optimum hair growth, but it is the quality of these products which promotes the hair growth and gives you exceptional results. Sulfite-free shampoos are recommended as are high quality nutritional supplements and shower filters that take out harmful chemicals that clog your pores and inhibit hair growth. Of course you may not get Rapunzel-like hair, but the laser hair comb benefits of stopping hair loss, promoting hair growth and restoring your confidence can be so very worth the search for the correct product line.

Convenient Use of the Laser Hair Comb

The hand held device that you purchase should have a simple button to turn the laser on and off so you can use your laser hair comb as a regular brush. Convenience is probably one of the main factors for opting to buy a laser hair comb for your own personal use, so do not choose one that is difficult to operate. Using the laser hair comb should be simple enough to do while watching your favorite television show. Like brushing your teeth to maintain healthy teeth and gums, regular laser hair comb usage is recommend to keep your hair looking its best. Follow the manufacturers guidelines and use only every other day for a total of 15 minutes or as directed for maximum benefit.

Get the Best Technology for Your Money

A comb or brush is a traditionally simple product, but the laser hair comb or brush uses complex technology to solve the hair loss problem. Some products do not contain laser diodes but actually only contain extremely low power Light Emitting Diodes or LEDs, the flashing lights found in childrens toys. You get exactly what you pay for. Insist on only Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) technology in your laser hair comb. Overall performance, lifetime guarantees, consistency of power levels and consistency of wavelength are all key factors in determining the quality and grade of a laser device. You should be able to rest easy knowing you have invested in a precision device, manufactured with the highest quality components and designed to last a lifetime.