Very Short Skirts and Seamed Stockings Need a Corset

Very Short Skirts and Seamed Stockings Need a Corset

Very Short Skirts and Seamed Stockings Need a Corset

Very short skirts are difficult to wear at any time but when combined with seamed stockings it becomes a titanic struggle. Firstly, you have to make sure that the skirt is correctly seated around your body otherwise you have a seam running in the wrong direction or the back zip not straight but resting more on a womans thighs. Not a good look and it destroys the beauty in the cut of the skirt fabric. Seamed stockings are difficult to keep the seam running straight up the back of a womans leg even when wearing a skirt to the knees or just above, but when the skirt length is mid thigh, keeping the stocking seam straight for that extra distance if you have long legs represents continual work. Seams in stockings wriggle around and instead of running straight up the back of a ladys legs, they tend to go screw-wiffy to one side or the other. Often a seam will go towards the outside of the leg and pulls the stocking exceptionally tight on the inside thighs of the wearer. This strangulation of the blood flow on the legs is very uncomfortable and probably not overly good for a lady because of the risk of thrombosis. Aside from the risk of circulation loss what is most likely to happen is a friction burn to the inside of the thighs. This really hurts and if not treated correctly can easily become infected because it is continually rubbed and healing is prolonged. Burns can be especially dangerous anywhere but when they happen in a difficult place to heal the risks of infections are prolonged. If you are going to wear a very short skirt with your seamed stockings be sure to wear a very good corset because this is the only way I have found to keep everything sitting nicely in place without having to find a ladies room every thirty minutes