hindi lyrics - hindi songs lyrics

hindi lyrics - hindi songs lyrics

hindi lyrics - hindi songs lyrics

Indiankalakar.com is the webs largest collection of Hindi lyrics. Our exclusive online hindi lyrics library is browsable by artist, title and category, movie or album name, lyric titles arranged by alphabets. Updated weekly, our Hindi lyrics database contains everything from the latest in popular bollywood movies to old Hind songs lyrics.

Over the years, Hindi Lyrics has become an important part of our daily life and we at indiankalakar.com do our best to provide accurate lyrics of Hindi songs. Most of the lyrics have been submitted by our wonderful users. Along with all the Hindi lyrics lovers out there, we would like to thank the users who play a crucial role in making this the No 1 Web site for Hindi Lyrics in the world.
HindiLyrix.com is the Webs largest collection of Hindi lyrics. Our exclusive online lyrics library is browsable by artist, title and category. Updated weekly, our Hindi lyric database contains everything from the latest in popular Bollywood movies to old Hind songs.

Over the years, Hindi music has become an important part of our daily life and we at HindiLyrix do our best to provide accurate lyrics of Hindi songs. Most of the lyrics have been submitted by our wonderful users.

Along with all the Hindi music lovers out there, we would like to thank the users who play a crucial role in making this the #1 Web site for Hindi Lyrics in the world.

Bollywood is the language of over one billion people on the face of the earth. It has touched every aspect of an Indian and our life styles. It is like our second religion. Hindi songs have been an integral part of all the movies in the Indian Film Industry. For the last three years, we have been a part of this industry through our contribution by providing Hindi Songs Lyrics. These songs have sometimes made us laugh and sometimes cry. We danced on them and we celebrated our moment humming those numbers. Now its the time to give credit to those who actually penned down those lyrics, sang those and tuned those for us all. Its our sincere effort to incorporate Hindi song Lyricists, Singers and Music Directors to make our work more complete.

Music and dance is a form of art that never ends its aroma and chant of going deep beneath the feel of traditions and classical triumph that flows through your minds and soul. To diversify this and to maintain the spirit, our site, allows the real talent from different area of interest to leverage them to move ahead to maintain the tradition of classical music, art of Indian classical Dance and power of indian instrumental music to embark and to present the aroma.

Hindi Song writers have always seen tough days during the start of their careers. Writing songs for this industry with varied expectations has always been a passion for all the writers so far. This may be the reason, why the scene at back-stage of our music arena has a competitive shade rather than an aesthetic sense. Lyricists have always been booked with a particular banner and a Music Director. No doubt, writing songs involves a great deal of understanding of the theme of the project and the mood, situation and placement of the song. We salute all the Lyricists for their justice to shape the time and attitude of the Indian masses.

The Company provides online platform for all singers, dancers, instrumentals, artists, models, actors, composers, lyricist and whoever wants to show their hidden talents. Visit http://www.indiankalakar.com/hindi_lyrics.php