My Wife is Leaving Me ~ How can I change her mind?

My Wife is Leaving Me ~ How can I change her mind?

My Wife is Leaving Me ~ How can I change her mind?

Whenever a long-term relationship breaks up, no matter who leaves or gets kicked to the curb, its never just one persons fault, and its never just one of you who is in pain. You know its time to repair your relationship ~ before you lose each other for good.

If shes about to walk out the door, you know it, and chances are you know why. Its equally likely that she doesnt want to walk out, but she cant think of anything else to do. She feels like shes tried everything already, and nothing is ever going to change. Most women dont leave someone they love until it becomes more painful to stay than to go.

The next question is, what can you do about it? If she hasnt left yet, try these three things:

1.) Be honest with yourself. You know why shes ready to leave, and it isnt because of the argument you just had about leaving the lid off the toothpaste or leaving your clothes wherever you drop them or not replacing the toilet paper when you use the last of it.

If youre not into self-reflection, tough. If you didnt know you needed to figure this out, and if you werent smart enough to try to find out how, you wouldnt be here. Now be brave enough to really look inside and admit to yourself that you know what the problem is ~ and how to solve it.

Once you have, you must ask yourself, am I willing to change? If the answer is no, fuggedaboudit. Let her walk. At least be man enough to let her go and try to be happy with someone else.

But if the answer is yes, proceed to step two.

2.) Be honest with her. Tell her, straight up, that you know what the real problem is, that youve admitted it to yourself, and that you really want to change. Be prepared for her not to believe you, and explain the process you went through (above) to identify the real problem between you and why.

Dont try to force her to stay, dont try to "share the blame," and dont try to make her feel guilty for leaving you. Youre not in any position to do any of those things, and whats more: they wont work.

Instead, reiterate that you know where youve failed her, that youre really sorry ~ for the problem, and for not doing anything about it before now. Tell her you will change, starting from this minute, that you know it will take time and that you will undoubtedly make mistakes, but you are determined to succeed.

3.) Get some advice, but choose who you ask wisely. That person isnt necessarily a therapist or any kind of doctor, and it certainly isnt your lawyer (if things have gotten that far). Look around you. Who do you know thats in a happy, stable, loving relationship with his wife or partner, then ask him ~ or her ~ or both of them.

The gurus tell you: if you want to be rich, find out what people who have made themselves rich do, and then do that. The same principle applies: If you want to be happy in your love relationship, find out what those who are do, and then do that. Youll be amazed at the difference someone elses perspective makes.

For more advice from someone who knows, click on this link: Get Your Beloved Back to watch a useful video that will help you get your beloved back or even save your relationship before its too late. Both of you will be glad you did.