Indian wedding cards

Indian wedding cards

Indian wedding cards

India is a land of great diversity, it is full of colors. A multitude of religions exist under the Indian sky, they all have unique ceremonies and rituals associated with them. Wedding is one of the most important events of an individual, as well as a familys life. For Indians, wedding is extremely special. They celebrate it with great pomp and show. Most Indians try to make their wedding the most memorable event of their lives. They aim to make everything associated with the wedding special.

Wedding invitations form an important part of every wedding. People try to have wedding cards that are beautiful, creatively designed and one of a kind. Married couples preserve their wedding cards, so that they can refer to them in future and experience the nostalgia of their wedding.

Every religion has some unique features associated with wedding cards. The cards are different depending upon the region as well, for example a north Indians wedding invitation card would differ from that of a south Indians wedding card, or for that matter, the wedding card of a north easterner.

Indian wedding invitation cards can be divided into the following categories:

• Hindu Wedding Cards
• Muslim Wedding Cards
• Sikh Wedding Cards
• Scroll Wedding Invitations
• Multi-faith Wedding Invitations - Interfaith cards
• Designer Wedding Cards
• Non Religious wedding Cards and
• E-Wedding Cards

Indian wedding cards stand out prominently with their exquisite designing and intricate detailing. They offer a wonderful blend of style and artistry. They are filled with eye pleasing colors and distinctive textures. They are made on a variety of papers, from imported to hand made ones. Though earlier wedding invitation cards were solely made from paper, nowadays the card designers have been making creative use of a variety of materials to make the cards. Hindu wedding cards often come studded with Kundan stones.

Indian wedding cards also commonly feature quotes from the religious books, for example Hindu wedding cards, have quotations from the Bhagwad Gita, the Muslim wedding cards have quotes from Quran, while the Sikh wedding cards, carry quotes from the Guru Granth Sahib. These quotes are usually meant to bless the marrying couple with good wishes for their married life.

The variety in Indian wedding cards means that they are available in a very wide price range, from the extremely affordable ones to the exorbitantly priced ones. Those who can afford it, also get their cards designed from reputed artists and designers.