The Benefits of Client-Side Programming

The Benefits of Client-Side Programming

The Benefits of Client-Side Programming

In a client-server relationship, client-side refers to operations performed by the client. Being a computer application (e.g. web browser), a client runs on a users workstation or local computer and connects to the server. Generally, computer software development services specializing in web-based software perform client-side operations because they need to observe them or provide input or access or access to information that is available only on the client, but not the server.
There is also another major reason why web based application development process is performed client-side. Sometimes, the server fails to perform operations in a timely manner as it lacks the processing power. Web-based custom software programming is performed client-side because it takes less time, there are less security risks and low bandwidth is used. Most computer programs are executed client-side, by the users web browser. This method is called client-side scripting.
Client-side scripts are also called as embedded scripts because they are often embedded within an HTML page. When the HTML page is requested, the page is sent to the users computer by the server. The computers web browser executes the script and displays any visible output from the script. Most client-side scripts instruct browsers to commit certain actions if the user interacts with the HTML page. For example, if the user clicks a certain button, the browser has to take the required action instructed by the client-side script.
Custom software development services specializing in web based software products prefer client-side scripting instead of server-side scripting. They execute a number of technologies on the client-side including ActiveX controls, Java applets, Flash files and programming languages like HTML and JavaScript. Any kind of technology supported by the web browser can be executed on the client side.
Web authors specializing in client side programming include code within the web page and thus add a number of features to the web page without requiring the information to be sent to the web server, (which takes more time). Most web developers perform various tasks on client, which include page navigation, data validation and special formatting features