Symptoms signs to detect early pregnancy: How to Tell You Are Pregnant

Symptoms signs to detect early pregnancy: How to Tell You Are Pregnant

Symptoms signs to detect early pregnancy: How to Tell You Are Pregnant

What are the early symptoms or signs to detect early pregnancy? While most women rely on methods ranging from a missed period to charting emotional changes in their mindscape, to counting the number of trips to the bathroom to measure if they are sick or wanting to urinate more, there are other symptoms that tell in a more reliable way whether or not you are pregnant. These are your early pregnancy symptoms, so pay heed to them.

Test with a Home Pregnancy Kit

Following the first signs that something is amiss, you could go purchase a home pregnancy kit to test yourself for proof that you are pregnant. There is a hormone known as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or HCG. This hormone is secreted when a fertilized egg is implanted in the uterine. The home pregnancy test can detect HCG. However, there is a catch. Many home pregnancy tests are not so sensitive that they can detect pregnancies until about a week after a missed period. If you decide to take a home pregnancy test earlier than getting a missed period and get a negative result inspite of having taken the test, try the test again in a few day

Chart your Basal Body Temperature : BBT Doesnt go Down

Another symptom sign to detect early pregnancy is to chart your basal body temperature and checking to see if your temperature has stayed elevated for 18 days in a row. In biological terms, your basal body temperature should go slightly down before menstruation and the next drop of BBT would be in the first days of a new menstrual cycle. If you are pregnant, then it will stay high or may become even higher, it may increase about 0.3 degree. If you measure and then find that your BBT stays raised during this period, it probably indicates that you are pregnant.

Checking for Late Menses

Many women check for missed periods to hint at early symptom sign to detect early pregnancy. Late menstruation however, is not always a reliable indicator of detecting pregnancy. A more accurate indicator is to check for the length of your luteal (second) phase of menstruation. How does it work? Menstrual cycle consists of two phases. While the length of the first may vary, depending on a number of criteria, the length of the second is nearly constant.

To find out if period is missed due to pregnancy, you need to know the time of ovulation and how long the second phase of your cycle lasts. A longer luetal phase means that in other words, a new cycle doesnt begin. If you have identified the ovulation day, and you know the length of your luteal phase, then you can calculate if period is actually late. But this method is subject to be used only if you know when ovulation occurred.

As mentioned earlier, other symptoms, including breast tenderness, abdominal pain, sleepiness, irritation, tiredness, and so on, too may mean you are pregnant. But a home pregnancy test, charting your basal body temperature and the length of your luteal phase are more objective methods of checking and give more accurate results. These symptoms signs to detect early pregnancy will tell you when it is time to get ready for motherhood

Alien writes for Teen pregnancy . He also writes for family health and skin care products .