The Relation between Headache and Nausea

The Relation between Headache and Nausea

The Relation between Headache and Nausea

There are many different causes for headache - from noise to light and from different medical conditions to unbalanced diet or dehydration. Every one of us has experienced a headache due to one reason or the other, and the symptoms can be paralyzing at times. Among the most frequent headache symptoms are: throbbing temples, sensitivity to light and noise, pain while moving your eyes from side to side, pain when touching your hair and most common of all nausea. Depending on the symptoms you encounter, the type of your headache can be identified.

As the headache turns into a migraine, your entire body begins to suffer from it. Your appetite and stomach nerves are the first to get affected by it leading to nausea.

Headache and Nausea Treatment

If you have regular headaches and nausea as a side effect, some over-the-counter headache relief medicines can help you combat your nasty symptoms. Make sure you are taking these medications with plenty of water, as often dehydration is the main cause of all headache occurrences.

However, if your headache and nausea symptoms are due to another existing medical condition, self-treatment may interfere with your present medication and therefore worsen your health condition. Consulting a doctor in this case is highly advisable.

Natural Remedies

Alternatively, you may try some natural remedies for your headache and nausea, such as homeopathy or acupuncture. This can be especially helpful if you have a serious disease that you are treating with stronger medications and cannot afford to take any other medication for your headache and nausea symptoms.

Many natural remedies do not have any side effects; however, it is recommended you consult your doctor before starting any treatment in order to ensure that you are not interfering with any existing medication you are presently taking. While natural remedies may take longer to show results, they are usually the safest way to approach constant headaches and nausea as a side effect.

Tips to Keep in Mind

Headache medications are easily available in any drug store and dont require any prescription; however, their side effects may vary from damaging your stomach lining to diarrhea. Therefore, it is important you dont overdose or self-medicate, especially if you are presently taking several other drugs for existing health problems.

Another main cause of headaches is stress which we have to face everyday in a variety of forms. However, if you can identify the source of your headache, it can help you to deal with it effectively and even without medication.

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