Dating Seeking - Dating Your Bosss Daughter

Dating Seeking - Dating Your Bosss Daughter

Dating Seeking - Dating Your Bosss Daughter

What do you do when you fall for your boss daughter? What if youre working for a company and you get along famously with your boss and his wife might even be your manager. Maybe they had a company picnic at their house or some other event that you were invited to and you met their daughter. Now youre a cool cat, but when you saw her, you felt like you were in a Disney movie and you heard the birds singing. So, do you even dare ask her out? Do you wait a while for the opportune time? What if you never see her again? What would your bosses say?

As a dating seeking single, you can find another girl to date somewhere else, right? You think that at first, but then you look at her again and youre smitten. This situation can play out in a variety of ways, but two most prominent scenarios are most likely to occur.

First of all, you can ask her out, deciding first if you should talk to her parents, your bosses, or just speak with their daughter first and get a sense of what she thinks her parents would like you to do. This first scenario plays out that you end up dating and hit it off very well. You really like each other and the relationship progresses. So far, since their daughter is very happy, your bosses still like you and you havent lost your job. If their daughter still lives at home, youll probably be at her house often and youll have to see your bosses outside of the workplace. It could be awkward at first, but if you had a good relationship before, it shouldnt be too much of a problem. Lets say you both find a love together and you eventually get married. Thats great and the only drawback could be that from the moment you started seeking dating seriously to the day of your wedding and beyond, your co-workers may possibly think you are being shown special treatment by the bosses and it could create an awkward situation in the office. If you love this girl enough to endure that scenario, go for it. You could always resign from the job; although, now that youre part of the family, her parents would probably love for you to stay.

A second scenario is that you ask their daughter out on a date and maybe it goes well. You may even possibly date for a little while. Somewhere along the line, you break up, either mutually or not and you will be in for a bumpy road ahead. First of all, the relationship you had with your bosses had already changed from professional friendliness to something different at the time you were dating their daughter and now that you are both out of the relationship, there could be a strain on your professional relationship. If the break up was mutual and their daughter was not too hurt by the situation, you may not have big problems. However, if you broke their daughters heart, you probably should start looking for another job. The situation could get very tense and you may decide to quit.

Whatever your decision, just think it through carefully before you jump at asking your bosses daughter out. Remember, this is not some girl that you met online or at a singles bar. She is your bosses daughter and there definitely will be a change in your relationship with your bosses and the work environment, regardless of how the situation plays out; this is a very delicate situation.