How to be a Good Communicator - in Business and in Life (Up-dated)

How to be a Good Communicator - in Business and in Life (Up-dated)

How to be a Good Communicator - in Business and in Life (Up-dated)

How to be a Good Communicator - in Business and in Life


How to be a good communicator and how to make the most of your

* Be interested in other people - show that you are by asking questions (but dont be insincere or hypocritical - nice word). Not mundane comments about the weather. Say something interesting like: "Hows the back yard?" Be tactful. Dont say, "has grannie popped off yet?"

* Be punctual - this shows you are responsible, courteous and respectful of others time.

* Enjoy other peoples company and have FUN.

* Tell the good news (without being a "Bible-basher", please). Be positive and other people will enjoy your company.

* Be decisive - this shows confidence

* Like yourself and be positive about your life. Doing this will draw others towards you.

* Keep your sense of humour. Hope youve still got one after reading all this!

* Tell people what you like about them without embarassing them.

* Be realistic in your goals, plans and desires.

* Look at people, when you talk to them.

* Spend time alone with your partner/"significant other".. Go on walks together. If you are not in a close relationship, discuss whats happening in your life from time to time with a close friend. If like me, you dont have one, join "rent-a-friend".

* Give and take in your relationships.

* Smile often (not inanely).

* Respect people (for what they are).

* Recognise that right and wrong are never black and white. There are always three sides to any story: your side, the other persons...and the TRUTH.

* Try to put yourself in the other persons shoes (only if they fit you). I like walking a mile in another mans shoes. By the time he finds out, Im a mile away and Ive got his shoes!

* Watch, wait and listen when developing relationships.

* Be assertive, but cautious.

* Dont gossip, backbite and backstab. Treat others, as youd LIKE to be treated yourself - with dignity and respect.

and most importantly,

* Be true to your values and beliefs. Personal integrity is crucial at ALL TIMES.
"If you have integrity, nothing else matters.
If you dont have integrity, nothing else matters."
- Alan K. Simpson

Always remember success and happiness are processes
(continually in progress/"under construction") ...
and states not merely achieved through arriving at a
particular destination.

As you travel down the journey of life,

Craig Lock ("Incorrigible Encourager, Information and Inspiration

"The task ahead of you can always be overcome by the power within you...and the often seemingly difficult or even "impassible") path ahead of you is never as steep with the great spirit that lies within you."
- Craig Lock

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All proceeds go to needy and underprivileged children - MINE

Uplifting, encouraging and empowering people through the power of words and thought energy. Change YOUR world and you change THE world."