Does Scalp Med Work for Hair Growth and Balding

Does Scalp Med Work for Hair Growth and Balding

Does Scalp Med Work for Hair Growth and Balding

Scalp Med is the newest product on the hair growth scene promising grand results for grand dollars. Hair loss is a common issue for several men and women; and although it is normal for one to lose 100 to 150 hairs a day, no one wants to. Unfortunately, when you compare "ScalpMed", which is not FDA approved to Rogain and Propecia, there is no way of measuring which product works better. ScalpMed works for some individual however its chemical content has caused some individuals hair loss to become more pronounced or exacerbated. The most important thing to remember about Scalp Med is that whatever gains you receive as a result of using the product you will lose as soon as you stop using the product, which is similar to both Propecia and Rogain.

For these reasons, many people are opting to use all-natural hair growth products over their chemical counterparts. The most common cause of hair loss is a result of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which slows hair growth by binding to the hair root. Since this can be combated by using natural herbs without side effects, it only makes sense to try all-natural solutions first. The best company on the market that produces a power packed DHT inhibiting shampoo and conditioner is Beauty 4 Ashes Christian Co. Their A Double Portion ™ Super Gro System contains herbs and oils that combat DHT. Several studies have shown that Beauty 4 Ashes® A Double Portion™ Super Gro System, which contains Saw Palmeto, Ylang Ylang, Rosemary, Sage, Capsicum, Amla Oil, all ingredients which are found natural on earth, can produce comparable results to that of Propecia and Rogain without any side effects. The products in Beauty 4 Ashes Super Gro System include a shampoo, conditioner, Ayurvedic scalp gel, B-Vitamin super hair gro mist, and more. All of the systems products contain either Saw Palmetto, Rosemary, Castor Oil or Sage and are packed with B vitamins, which lowers the levels of DHT in the body by blocking 5 alpha-reductase. You can find more about their products online at wwwdiscoverb4acom

The choice is yours. Just remember that the only guaranteed way to ensure success is an overpriced hair transplant. Thus, fight nature with nature and try an all natural solution before going the chemical route.