Strategies That Organizational Managers and Leaders Can Use to Create and Maintain a Healthy

Strategies That Organizational Managers and Leaders Can Use to Create and Maintain a Healthy

Strategies That Organizational Managers and Leaders Can Use to Create and Maintain a Healthy

The ability to implement strategies in an organization is one of the most skillful managerial requirements and knowledge that we need in critical aspects to run an organization. The core aspects of strategies are to sustain a competitive advantage on other organizations. Organizations must acquire and utilize technique to optimize their core competencies, to strengthen their organizational capability. On this strategies, managers are at all time should be involved in implementing the set strategies. Strategic implementation entails the transformation of an organization strategies plan into action and ultimately into a result, preferably high performance results. The strategies of an organization are required to increase its capacity to compete on the basis of its intellectual competencies, which must be strategically aligned with the objectives the organizational has on its goal achievement.

A leader and manager must evaluate organizational capabilities and intellectual capital and synthesize and integrate models o establish a framework for application of duties to the employees so as to create a good healthy working condition. This will motivate all the employees in the capacity of the work each performs. Leaders and managers must not be challenged by implement the organizational strategies, by this workers will have to adjust to environmental change which should be on the organization strategy. An organization should focus on determining approaches as to attain objectives while leaders and managers give the capability for a sustainable growth. Leaders and managers must overcome obstacles if they hope to implement a new strategy successfully. (Arbinger Institute, 2002).

Leaders and managers in an organization can use some factors to create a healthy organizational culture, such factors are social factors, physical setting, technology, organizing arrangements and individual behavior. Leaders and managers are required to have increased resources, perceptive knowledge, superior talent and enhanced capabilities to continue facilitating processes toward attaining the ultimate objectives, discovering and commercializing safety of the organization. These multiple activities require managers and leaders who have the significant of strategies implementation and core competencies and organizational capabilities that create values to changes of the organization.

The management is responsible for establishing systems and procedures which facilitate effective and smooth running of an organization. They set up controlling systems and procedures which are used to ensure that the organization is controlled and disciplined. Management ensures that the organization that the rules set up is adhered to for the organization to function optimally. The management process includes heading and leading the management, organizing the management and planning how to handle the management. The leadership of a company mainly involves establishing direct and creating a vision for the company. It involves modeling the vision, forming teams, influencing them and aligning people to achieve the set goals. Leadership bears the responsibility of inspiring people and producing meaningful changes in the company. Leadership is therefore responsible for positioning people and organizations for useful change. Therefore it ensures that the company does the right, in its strategies. Leadership requires are sound understanding in order to create goals and vision of the company and work towards achieving them. Good leadership entails the ability to articulate a vision, align the peoples talents and efforts of the companys direction and keeping them focused on the set vision by motivating and inspiring them.