Wedding MC Jokes - 6 Tips For Funny Wedding MC Jokes

Wedding MC Jokes - 6 Tips For Funny Wedding MC Jokes

Wedding MC Jokes - 6 Tips For Funny Wedding MC Jokes

Wedding MC Jokes are an important part of your Wedding MC duties because as Wedding Master of Ceremonies you’re also an entertainer at the wedding reception.

Here are 6 tips for making your Wedding MC Jokes one of the high points of the wedding reception.

1. Choose Clean and Tasteful Wedding MC Jokes That You Think Are Funny

Select wedding jokes that are not only humorous but also suit your audience. Keep in mind the ethnicity, age, and background of the wedding guests when choosing your Wedding MC Jokes. In particular, make sure your Wedding MC Jokes won’t offend or embarrass the bride or groom or wedding guests.

2. Rehearse Your Wedding MC Jokes Word-for-Word

Each of your Wedding MC Jokes has to flow smoothly to ensure the rhythm and timing are perfect.

Once you have a selection of funny, clean, tasteful Wedding MC Jokes, practice them until you know them by heart and have the timing down perfectly.

If you forget any part of the wedding joke it won’t work.

The most important part of your Wedding MC Joke will be the punch line. So be particularly careful to remember the punch line otherwise the joke will be ruined.

3. Practice Your Wedding MC Jokes In Front of Friends or Family

This is the perfect opportunity to try out your Wedding MC Jokes before the wedding reception.

Ask for feedback to make sure your wedding jokes are appropriate for the audience.

And see if your friends or family members laugh at your Wedding MC Jokes.

If your Wedding MC Jokes don’t get a laugh, then choose other jokes or revise them.

4. Indicate On The Wedding Agenda Where You Will Introduce Your Wedding MC Jokes

It’s not enough to have a nice collection of wedding jokes. You must also know where it’s appropriate to introduce them.

Mark down on the wedding reception agenda where you will introduce each of your Wedding MC Jokes.

Usually you will deliver your Wedding MC Jokes when introducing the speakers for wedding speeches and toasts.

Don’t overlook other opportunities to be humorous - particularly when making announcements or when there are “gaps” during the wedding reception.

Remember, your role is to make sure the wedding guests are entertained and enjoying themselves during the celebration.

5. Use A Conversational Style When Delivering Your Wedding MC Jokes

You’re not a stand-up comedian and the wedding guests don’t expect you to deliver joke after joke in a short amount of time.

Instead, your style will be more relaxed and conversational when you introduce your wedding jokes.

6. Don’t Read Your Wedding MC Jokes To The Wedding Guests

Never attempt to tell a joke that you haven’t memorized.

And don’t deliver a Wedding MC Joke that you don’t feel comfortable telling because it hasn’t been properly rehearsed.

It should be obvious that you should never read a joke - not only it will sound unnatural, it won’t work with the audience.

That’s why it’s important to memorize all of your Wedding MC Jokes well before the wedding reception.

Keep in mind that rude or graphic wedding jokes can ruin an otherwise perfect day for the bride and groom. So choose wisely and make sure you deliver clean and tasteful Wedding MC Jokes.